EGU2022: Call for abstracts on Underground research facilities for science, research, and development


The EGU2022 is organised from 3rd to 8th of April 2022 in Vienna, Austria. This year there is a session on Underground research facilities for science, research, and development (GI5.1) convened by Jari Joutsenvaara (Callio Lab research coordinator) and Marcus Laaksoharju.

We welcome all underground laboratory and facility operators, users and facilitators to present their facilities, research and utilisation of underground facilities. The deadline for abstract submission is nearing (12.1.2022, 13:00 CET). Please read the guidelines on how to submit an abstract carefully. The length of the abstract needs to be between 100 and 500 words.
To submit the abstract to the dedicated session you can follow the link below:

The meeting programme will be available on 4 February 2022.

For more information, you are welcome to contact us at &